5 Learning Modules | 10 Nursing Contact Hours
Invest in MDS and invest in the success of your facility.

Concept Rehab, in partnership with Tammy Cassidy of T.L. Cassidy and Associates, is offering our MDS Academy of Excellence for MDS Coordinators to gain valuable insights and participate in real-time training to take their skills to the next level.​
This interactive education series will take MDS Nurses on a journey “beyond the basics of MDS” where they will refine their skills and learn tips and tricks to effectively manage all aspects of the MDS Department with a focus on:

Optimizing Reimbursement and Accuracy

Driving Quality Programs

Organizing and Structuring MDS Department
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In this five-part series, MDS Nurses will learn and demonstrate competency in core areas that will assure accurate clinical and reimbursement outcomes propelling your organization for optimal success. Strengthen MDS competency with
Mock Coding Scenarios: As MDS consultants, we have collected commonly miscoded items on the MDS and infuse this in training scenarios to bring clarity to MDS Nurses.
MDS Resource Library: Access our complete library of forms, tools and resources that power your MDS Department to be well-organized and efficient while maintaining regulatory compliance.
Realtime Collaboration: Our experts are here for you. Throughout the program, collaborate live with real-time questions and discussion and see feedback and responses from peers.
Over the course of 2 months, 2-hour training modules will be offered two times per month from 12:00 - 2:00 with interactive pre and post course work. A total of 10 nursing contact hours will be earned.
Program cost: 5 training modules & resource library is $475 for unlimited participants in your facility.
MDS Nurses will refine their skills and learn tips and tricks to effectively manage all aspects of the MDS Department with a special focus on:
Optimizing Reimbursement and Accuracy
Part 1 | March 17, 2022
Medicare A Skilling Criteria and PDPM Optimizing Accuracy
Medicare A Requirements
3-day stay
60-day spell of wellness
Advanced Beneficiary Notices
Skilled level of care
Medicare secondary payer
Physician Certifications and Re-Certifications
PDPM Optimizing Accuracy
Pre-admission records
Primary diagnosis
Predicting CMGs at time of admission
Tools to predict CMGs/payment
Interim Payment Assessment
Documentation compliance
Huddle meetings
Collaboration with IDT
Triple Check
Part 2 | April 7, 2022
Managed Care and Case Mix Management
Managing Managed Care
Insurance reimbursement
Updates to Case Manager
Case Mix Management
Medicaid payment calculations
Reading and interpreting case mix reports
Case Mix Management
Tracking case mix
Proactive reviews
Driving Quality Programs
Part 3 | April 21, 2022
Quality Measure Management
QM User Guide
Accessing and reviewing reports
Management strategies
Part 4 | May 12, 2022
Quality Reporting Program and 5-Star Rating
Managing QRP
QRP overview
Accessing and reviewing reports
Reviewing reports for accuracy
Management strategies
Nursing Home Compare and 5-Star Rating
Overview of NH Compare
Overview of 5-star system
Reviewing facility preview reports
Organizing and Structuring MDS Department
Part 5 | May 20, 2022
Effective Management and Leadership of the MDS Department
Leadership and management of MDS department
MDS completion process
Accountability with IDT
Effective meeting management
Audit and appeals process
Communication with leadership

Jennifer, a Registered Nurse has devoted her career to the long-term care industry for the past fifteen years, where she has expertise in MDS, Case Management, QAPI, Quality Measures, Compliance, managing audits and appeals, and previously served in the role of Regional Director of Clinical Reimbursement. Jennifer currently holds multiple certifications from AANAC including RAC-CT and RAC-CTA and QAPI Certified Professional designation from AADNS. Jennifer has worked with Concept Rehab, Inc. since 2013 and currently serves in the role of Director of Clinical Reimbursement where she provides valuable expertise to customers, clinicians, and peers as it relates to post-acute care, reimbursement, and SNF regulations; and manages the audit and appeal process for Concept Rehab.

Ms. Cassidy has over 26 years of long term care management experience including Charge Nurse, Care Team Manager, Director of Nursing, MDS Coordinator, Corporate Clinical Compliance, Corporate Risk Manager, and Vice President of Clinical Quality. She is also a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator in the State of Ohio, and has worked with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, specializing in MDS, as a DAVE2 surveyor. She is certified in Gerontological Nursing and MDS, and is the President of T. L. Cassidy & Associates, LLC. A major focus of Ms. Cassidy’s is to raise awareness of the MDS process, correct coding, and reimbursement. She is the past president of OANAC (Ohio Association of Nurse Assessment Coordinators) and is the proud recipient of the American College of Health Care Administrators, Ohio Chapter, Education Award in 2017.
Each individual MDS Academy Course is approved for 2 contact hours for nurses.
Concept Rehab, Inc. is approved as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the Ohio Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. (OBN-001-91)